S&P 500 stuff

Here's a neat spreadsheet which lets you play (sort of) with the S&P 500 stocks. Here's what it'll do:

  1. With the click of a button the spreadsheet collects the names and symbols of the S&P 500 stocks (from standardandpoor.com).
  2. Click another button and it downloads (from Yahoo!) Prices, Earnings and Market Cap for each stock.
  3. It then calculates the P/E Ratios for each stock and four-count-em-four P/E Ratios for the S&P500 Index.
  4. It also generates a couple of charts that look sort of like this:

To download a .ZIPd file, RIGHT-click on the picture above and Save Target file ...

Added: Feb, 2004

Okay, so the spreadsheet don't hardly work good *%^$#@!?*

Sometimes it can't find the data from standardandpoor.com
but, worse than that (!), it always gets the same data ... for Dec/03.

I won't even TRY to explain why.

But the spreadsheet is feeling much better now